Daniel Graziadei

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Daniel Graziadei was born and raised in the South Tyrolean Alps and studied Comparative, English, and Spanish literature at Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität (LMU) Munich. He is currently investigating contemporary Caribbean literatures from a spatial perspective, focusing on the identity-establishing power of such literary concepts as “island” and “archipelago.” Furthermore, he is translating poetry by Federico Italiano, a contemporary Italian poet. As a creative writer, Graziadei looks back on a variety of spoken-word performances as well as an exhibition titled “Diarios Mexicanos” (Munich, Germany and Meran, Italy), which combined poetry, short stories, and photography. From 2004 to 2006, Graziadei led the creative writing group “Schreibwerkstatt der Komparatistik” hosted by the Comparative Literature Institute at LMU. He is presently working on recordings of selected poetry and on final drafts for two collections of short stories. His webpage www.danwillschreiben.de features links to his poetry, prose, and blogs in German and English.